Linda Dabeau has won both national and international commissions for her sculpture and stained glass work. Working in multiple mediums such as bronze, stone, and glass, her pieces range from life-size to monumental. She takes pride in melding her artistic skills and aesthetic sensibilities into expressively powerful sculptures that gracefully reflect and communicate the vision of every community she works with.
As she carefully listens to each community, she works diligently hand in hand with architects, engineers and installation crews to ensure that every detail is taken care of. Dabeau has created art for hospitals, churches, and the public art communities.
by Wesley Pulkka, PhD
Internationally recognized sculptor and multimedia artist Linda Dabeau works seamlessly with the media of clay, stone, bronze, cast aluminum, steel fabrication, stained and cast glass to successfully execute portraits, full figures, abstractions and personalized stylistic sculpture, furniture, wall relief and light enhanced works. Dabeau effectively executes her commissioned works using synergetic strategies that integrate her cross cultural life experiences and natural abilities to work with the private sector, public sector and religious community leaders. Dabeau’s rapport with people from all backgrounds and stations in life gives her an edge in competitive public works projects leading to the productive completion of complex installations and constructions.
Her soft spoken personality often belies the power of her intellectual and aesthetic understand of her wide ranging interest from realist human anatomy to completely abstract formalities of advanced design. Her early training in fine arts was in the United States and Mexico and included painting and drawing gave Dabeau unique proficiencies enabling her to expand her imagination and personal expression. Whether developing a series of post modern abstractions for gallery exhibitions or carefully studying the intricacies of sacred religious canons Dabeau painstakingly pursues excellence in design, technique, craftsmanship and those ineffable qualities that give her art communicative authority, liveliness and spiritual presence. Because Dabeau has received well earned acclaim in the liturgical field for her facility at expressing human emotions through inanimate materials like stone and bronze she endeavors to utilize her expressive abilities in an expanding body of work. Dabeau’s new body of work includes explorations in the mediums of aluminum, and cast glass.